Run for a good cause


Run for a good cause and support our clients with physical disability

Spolek Trend vozíčkářů Olomouc ("Association of Persons Using Wheelchairs") is a non-profit organization which offers the personal assistance service to people with physical and combined disabilities. Our personal assistants provide care up to 1000 hours/month to our clients who would otherwise be reliant on care at institutional facilities or family support. We strive to provide a professional yet affordable care for our clients (110/120 CZK/h).

 We also offer services of social rehabilitation, social counselling, assistive device rental. We are also focused on operating a business that offers job opportunities for people with disabilities. Our purpose is to help clients with physical disabilities to live a quality life.

More about "Run for a good cause" project

You can support us by registering for any of the races listed below, during which you will not only improve your own health, but also help the disabled people using wheelchairs. All you have to do is fill in your contact information and we will get in touch with you soon.

You can choose from the folowing races

SOLD OUT - Mattoni 1/2 Maraton Olomouc 15. 6. 2024 (actual prices 1.1.2024)

  • jednotlivec/individual - 2000 CZK

  • 2run - 2800 CZK

  • štafeta/relay - 6500 CZK

SOLD OUT - Sportisimo 1/2Maraton Praha 6. 4. 2024

  • jednotlivec/individual - 2800 CZK
  • štafeta/relay - 9000 CZK

*If you decide to purchase registration for any race directly through RunCzech company, you can support us with 250 CZK one time donation in their reservation system. Thank you for your support.  




If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact:

Milan Papezik

tel.: +420 731 501 385

koordinátor Běž pro dobrou věc/Run for a good cause coordinator

Bc. Milan Papežík

Mob.: 731 501 389




Spolek Trend vozíčkářů Olomouc
Run for a good cause
Lužická 7
779 00  Olomouc